Hayagriva Jayanthi 2023

Hayagriva, the Horse-Faced God

Haya Griva, the Vishnu Avatar, is a unique divinity with the head or face of a horse and the body of a human being. Vishnu, the Supreme God of Protection, is said to have taken this Avatar to retrieve the Vedas, the treasure of Divine knowledge, from the demons. Hence, Hayagriva is hailed and worshiped as the God of Supreme Knowledge and Wisdom. Devotees also believe that Hayagriva can grant wealth and fulfill wishes.

Hayagriva Jayanthi is his Day of birth or advent. This Year, Hayagriva Jayanthi 2023 is observed on August 29, 2023.    

Hayagriva's Advent

There are principally 2 accounts that narrate the advent of Hayagriva. One legend speaks about Hayagriva, the demon with a horse face and the son of Kashyapa Prajapati, who did severe penance towards Goddess Durga and obtained the boon that he could be killed only by another Hayagriva, the horse-faced one. Emboldened by this incredible protection, the demon played havoc on heaven and earth. The desperate Devas, the celestials, approached Vishnu for relief but found the omniscient Lord resting with his head placed on his bow. When the celestials were wondering what to do, the string of the bow snapped, severing Vishnu's head. While the shocked Devas stood there dumbfounded, Durga understood Vishnu's plans and got Brahma, the Creator, to fix a horse's head on Vishnu's body. Thus the Divine Hayagriva was born, who proved to be a nemesis for the demon, took on him, and slew him by satisfying the terms of the boon, thus relieving the universe of demonic tyranny.

Another story is about demons Madhu and Kaithabha, who decamped with the Sacred Vedas and hid them in the ocean's depths. The Vedas, the storehouse of Divine knowledge and wisdom, were essential for Brahma to carry on with his core function of creation. So it was left to the Universal Protector Vishnu to assume the form of a horse-man, Hayagriva, challenge the Asuras, get rid of them, and restore the Vedas to Brahma, for him to continue with his creation for the universe to sustain and flourish.  

As Hayagriva retrieved Vedas, the texts of immense wisdom from the dem

ons, who denote darkness and ignorance, he is associated with the likes of intelligence and sagacity and revered as the God of Knowledge and Wisdom. Hayagriva Jayanthi 2023 is his birthday celebrated this Year.   


Hayagriva, the Purity-Incarnate

True wisdom is pristine, and there is no surprise that Hayagriva is seen as a symbol of great purity. According to his depictions, Hayagriva is fair-complexioned, radiant, adorned in pure white clothing, and seated on a white lotus. Being a Vishnu Avatar, he holds the conch and discus in his 2 upper arms while having manuscripts in one of his lower arms symbolizing knowledge and sporting Gyan Mudra in the other, denoting dissemination of wisdom.   

The Chosen Deity of Vadiraja Theertha

Vadiraja Theertha, the renowned Madhva Saint and Dvaita philosopher of the 15th-16th century, was an ardent devotee of Hayagriva. It is said that Vadiraja offered a sweet delicacy made of Bengal gram, grated coconut, jaggery, and ghee daily to the horse-faced Lord, who used to come in the form of a horse and accept the offering in person. Hence, the food item itself goes by the name 'Hayagriva Maddi,' offered to Hayagriva in many Temples and distributed to his devotees as his Sacred Prasad.   


Hayagriva Jayanthi 2023

According to tradition, the Hayagriva incarnation occurred on Purnima, the Full Moon Day of the Hindu calendar month of Shravan, corresponding to the period falling in July-August. Hence, they observe Shravana Purnima as Hayagriva Jayanthi, his birthday. Hayagriva Jayanthi 2023 is observed on August 29, 2023.    


People have been venerating Hayagriva from ancient times and observing Hayagriva Jayanthi with piety. On the occasion, devotees offer worship to him at home and in his Temples and shrines, chanting Mantras in his praise, performing Archana, Abishekam, and special Poojas, offering oblations, and seeking his blessings. They also hold processions in some places, carrying the decorated idol of Hayagriva in various mounts, around the Temple. Perhaps the grandest of celebrations take place in the Hayagriva Temple, Hojo, Assam, in which thousands participate.   


Certain sections of the society in the south observe Avini Avittam on the occasion when they wear Yagnyopavitam, the Sacred thread afresh, performing allied rituals. In the north, the Day is celebrated as Raksha Bandhan, highlighting the significance of the Sacred bond between brother and sister.

There is a staunch belief that Hayagriva worship, especially on his Jayanthi, can earn his benevolent blessings for the devotees and bestow them with much intellect, learning abilities, analytical skills, knowledge, wisdom, intuitive capabilities, and affluence. Devotees also believe that the Lord can help students perform creditably in their studies, especially in their examinations.

Hayagriva Jayanthi 2023 can be an ideal occasion for us to seek Hayagriva's blessings for all-around improvement in life.


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