Sri Panchamukha Varahi Homam

Goddess Varahi is one of the Sapta Matrikas. The boar-faced Goddess is the commander-in-chief of Goddess Lalita Devi’s army and the feminine power of Varaha, the boar-faced avatar of Vishnu. The Markendeya Purana extols Varahi as a granter of boons as well as the ruler of the Northern direction, though other texts say that she rules the South-east direction.

Sri Panchamukha Varahi Homam


Elsewhere in the Markandeya Purana, she is described as riding a buffalo. The Devi Bhagavata Purana claims that Varahi and the other Matrikas were created by the Supreme Mother, who assures the gods that the Matrikas will fight demons whenever needed. In the Raktabija episode, Varahi is described as fighting demons with her tusks while sitting on a preta (corpse). The Matsya Purana says that Varaha created Varahi to protect Goddess Parvati when Shiva was not around.


Another legend relates her origin to the demon Raktabija. It says that the Sapta Matrikas emerged from different parts of Goddess Kali to help her fight Raktabija. While the Vamana Purana claims that she emerged from the back of Goddess Chamunda, the Varaha Purana says that she came from Goddess Vaishnavi’s posterior.


Another name for Varahi is Kaivalyarupini. She is said to bestow Kaivalya or Mukti from rebirths. Goddess Varahi has the face of a sow and the body of a woman. She has the hue of storm clouds – black and sometimes blue. On her head is a karanda mukuta, a type of crown. Her ornaments are made of coral. She may have 2, 6, or 8 arms. She carries a plow, spear, shield, mace, danda (staff), discus, sword, and a noose. She has a big belly and pendulous breasts. Her mounts are varied – buffalo, boar, Sheshnag, Garuda, elephant, horse, etc.


The Goddess represents envy and jealousy. Devotees worship her to get rid of such traits. She is a night goddess, and so people worship her mostly at night, especially at midnight. Shakta devotees use wine, meat, fish, grain, and ritual copulation as part of the worship.


Goddess Pancha Mukha Varahi has 5 faces. In this form, Varahi’s face is in the center, Kali’s and Soolini Devi’s faces are on the sides, Goddess Tripura Bhairavi’s face is on the back side, and Goddess Bagalamukhi’s face is also on the backside.


Varahi is seen as a powerful Goddess who grants many boons. Let us see the benefits of worshipping Varahi.


  • She wards off evil eyes and evil spirits.
  • She protects one from the effects of black magic.
  • She protects people from accidents.
  • She removes fear and grants courage and confidence.
  • She can bestow fame, word power, and goodwill.
  • She can give wealth and high social status.
  • She removes diseases.
  • She bestows happiness and prosperity.


By performing Sri Pancha Mukha Varahi Homam, one can get the blessings and boons of the 4 Goddesses who represent the other faces of Varahi as well. Let us see what they are:


Goddess Kali

She is one of the Dasa Maha Vidyas (10 Wisdom Goddesses). Kali symbolizes victory and power. She removes problems and the negative forces that block one’s progress. She also protects you from evil eyes and black magic. Kali can help you lead a victorious, happy, and prosperous life.


Goddess Soolini

She can nullify or reduce the effects of weak planets. She removes all the negative energies from your life and is known to give quick results. She is a benevolent Goddess who brings peace and tranquillity. She is also very beneficial for growing children. She can cure physical and mental imbalances. She can also bless people with good relationships, marriage, and confidence. She has the power to remove Rahu Dosha, Pitru Dosha, Navagraha Dosha, etc. She removes all fears and tensions and restores happiness in life.


Goddess Tripura Bhairavi

She is a beautiful goddess and one of the Mahavidyas. It is said that those who worship her can get 16 types of desires in life granted by her. She can bestow power, wisdom, and knowledge. She removes all kinds of obstacles and karmic issues. She can help one overcome Budha (Mercury) Dosha, debts, and health problems. She can also boost one’s intelligence, artistic talents, and creativity. Her blessings can make your business grow and your career flourish.


Goddess Bagalamukhi

She helps remove the effects of black magic and brings quick resolutions in court cases. She also protects you from your foes and removes obstacles to success. She grants good health and prosperity.


Benefits of Sri Pancha Mukha Varahi Homam


  1. Bestows relief from fatal diseases
  2.  Grants health and wealth
  3.  Destroys enemies
  4.  Protects from natural calamities
  5.  Resolves family disputes
  6.  Brings profits in business
  7.  Removes obstacles to marriage
  8.  Boosts unity among married couples
  9.  Bestows progeny blessings
  10.  Enables one to buy or sell land/house without any issues
  11.  Resolves legal disputes
  12.  Removes mental disturbances
  13.  Removes negative thoughts like anger
  14.  Helps one to excel in all arts
  15.  Removes evil eye and planetary Doshas
  16.  Promotes devotion and discipline in life



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